Social Media engagement is not just a word, it’s a commitment!

I have been asked the following question many times: What is the best way to build your audience on social media?

I always give the same answer: Engage!

I have been an Online Marketing professional since the early 2000’s and when social media appeared in our lives, I quickly added it as part of the marketing plan I had put in place for a software company I  was working for.

It truly opened my eyes to the incredible business opportunities and marketing possibilities the new world of social media offered.

I understood that Social Media offered a broader, open and direct way of getting your message across and increase brand awareness.

But, how? How do you “reach and preach”, as I like to call it?

Through consistent, committed and valuable engagement.

When a business adopts an open gateway to communicating with their audience through social media, it:

  • Has direct access to insights as to what their audience needs and wants.
  • Gets a firsthand view of brand and message adoption by audience.
  • Builds solid and loyal relationships with audience.
  • Gives way to strategic connections with industry people, opening more opportunities.
  • Allows for a more human, customer centric brand.
  • Allows for a great customer service experience.
  • Allows for customer retention.

And many other possibilities that can be tapped into.

Unfortunately, not all brands see it that way.

Some brands translate social media engagement into a one-way “talk at you, not with you” approach. They add social media to their marketing mix, because it’s existence and power are undeniable. However, they stick to the media part and fall back on understanding the core value of the social aspect of the term.

What’s it all worth if you don’t put in the time and invest on your one true asset: your audience?

Brands need to invest more in engaging with their audience.

They are the people that know the brand, follow the brand, like the brand, support the brand.

They are a brand’s true ambassador. They are the voice through which a brand message is spread.

If you are just starting out in your social media venture or want to improve on your existing plan, make sure to add right there at the top of your bulleted to-do list (number 1, actually) the most valuable of all resources – the human one.

Engagement is not just a word… it’s a commitment 😉

Would love to hear your thoughts on this topic in the comment section!

Good vibes only and have a great day!

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  2 comments for “Social Media engagement is not just a word, it’s a commitment!

  1. November 13, 2017 at 8:35 pm

    You shared some golden nuggets in this post, Natasha!
    You are right in so many ways and I completely agree with you on the engagement that each of us (brands included, no exceptions) should have: consistent, committed, valuable.
    As I always say, social media is called that way for a reason… Be social!


    • November 13, 2017 at 6:40 pm

      Thank you for your comment Sabrina!

      I appreciate it a lot!

      Brands cannot afford to not connect with customers. Customer retention is of key importance and the way to do it is through committed engagement!

      Good vibes only and have a great day!



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